About KPLF
The Kingston Public Library Foundation is a private, non-profit fundraising organization (501(c)-3) comprised entirely of volunteers from the community.
What the Foundation Does
The mission of the Kingston Public Library Foundation is to support the Kingston Public Library by funding resources, technology, special programming and select long-term improvements. Our support complements, but does not replace, the Town's responsibility for funding the Library's operation annually. KPLF's fundraising efforts seek to enhance the Library's offerings, and our advocacy encourages continued and increased support of the Kingston Public Library as a valuable community resource.
What the Foundation has Done
- Bridged the gap in local funding to enable KPL to maintain state certification
- Provided funds for books and other materials and resources
- Raised awareness about the need for public library funding
- Hosted concerts and other fun public events
In January 2010, a group of concerned citizens came together to form the Kingston Public Library Foundation (KPLF). In KPLF’s first year, the members of the Board of Directors made the community aware of the library’s financial predicament. In 2008, the Town of Kingston was forced to cut the library’s budget by ten percent. The library only takes two percent of the towns’ tax dollars and these cuts put the library in danger of losing its’ Massachusetts State Accreditation.
Our projects began with starting a ‘Banks for Books’ community project that involved seniors, students, and families. Milk jugs were decorated as piggy banks and spare change was collected and donated to the Library Foundation. Next, KPLF sent a letter of request for donations to every household in the town and the Foundation hello a ‘Kick-Off’ Concert as a fund-raising event. In the first year, the Kingston Public Library Foundation raised over fifty thousand dollars and purchased the required books and computer resources that the library needed to keep their state accreditation.
Learn more about our Team and the role our Volunteers play.
Related Organizations
Kingston Public Library
The Library was founded in 1898. It now serves a population of over 12,000. Approximately 78,500 people visit the Library each year. They ask 9,500 reference questions; use the computers 12,000 times; and borrow 182,000 items, including books, music, and video in electronic formats.
Kingston Public Library Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is the governing body of the Library. It is a locally elected board. The Trustees set policy and oversee the operation of the Library. At least one Trustee serves on the Foundation board.
Friends of the Kingston Public Library
The Friends provide hands-on, direct volunteer support for Library events and services. From organizing book sales to funding passes to area cultural attractions, children and teen programs and Library events, this group helps to make the Library a vibrant element of the community. The President of the Friends serves on the Foundation board.